Our services

How can we help you?

Our workflow

This is how we work


Book an appointment

Our colleague will contact you by phone.


On-site survey

During the survey, our qualified colleague will design your solar system taking into account the characteristics of the location and your needs.


Making a quotation

After a detailed consultation, we will send you a custom tailored quotation.



Our colleagues with many years of experience will set up and install your solar system.

Design and construction of solar systems

THE PSC Solar team provides a complex service from survey to construction, so that you can enjoy the comfort and safety of solar energy or even complete independence.

We have extended our services to the entire country.

Our company will assist you in the entire planning and licensing process.

We believe that the basis of the planning of solar systems is to know the customer's needs, so we must think together with our future customers not only focusing on the present, but also taking into account the possibilities of the future.

After determining the performance of the system, we will propose which manufacturers' products to use in order to make it produce as efficiently as possible for you. We consider it extremely important that your investment pays off as soon as possible and that you get free electricity for decades.

THE PSC Solar vision to install solar systems for our customers that we would install on our own homes!

Take advantage of this opportunity yourself, request a free quotation or an appointment for a professional consultation!

Solar panel cleaning nationwide


To get the most out of your solar system, you need to keep your solar panels clean. And the rain doesn't solve this, just like in the case of your car. In order to thoroughly dissolve the deposited layer of dirt, it is necessary to clean it by professionals, which is carried out with drip-free deionized water and professional tools.

  • bird droppings
  • powder
  • they are pollen
  • atmospheric pollution
  • Saharan sand
  • dried leaves
  • low pitched roof

What happens if you don't clean your solar panel from time to time?

you lose a significant amount of money due to the reduction in performance

the life expectancy of solar panels decreases

Since we offer our service as a solar company, unlike cleaning companies, we undertake a professional mechanical and technical inspection of the solar panels, as well as whether birds have nested under the panels.
  • measuring the insulation resistance of solar cables
  • earthing resistance measurement
  • checking of supporting structure EPH points
  • Checking the MC4 connector contacts
  • checking surge arresters
  • checking the main fasteners of the support structure

Water directly from the tap or hose is "hard water", salt, chlorine and
due to its mineral content, it can leave water spots, deposits and calcification
causes on the solar panels.

Over the years, this is the accumulation of the solar panel's energy production
leads to a decrease and may eventually cause serious damage to the system.

Don't try home remedies! Do not use chemicals!

The chemicals are aggressive, some even abrasive/abrasive, and damage the
anti-reflective coating and the frame of the panels.

Using the wrong technique can damage your solar panel, but it is for the roof
daring can also be life-threatening. Don't risk it, leave it to the professionals!
Our chemical-free cleaning technology guarantees the safety of your solar panel.

Don't try home remedies! Do not use chemicals!


ground floor package up to 30 panels: HUF 59,900 gross

1-story package up to 30 panels: HUF 69,900 gross

2-story package up to 30 panels: HUF 79,900 gross

The price also includes the drop-off fee within a radius of 130 km from our location in Budaörs.
In addition, all additional panels: HUF 1,000 gross
Our deadline: within 2 weeks of the order.

For solar parks and larger industrial solar systems, ask for an individual quote!

Design and construction of heat pump systems

Heat pump systems become more and more popular if we think about cooling-heating or DHW production using renewable energies. Designing and implementing such a system requires serious expertise. By choosing the device carefully and with a little foresight, the payback time can be minimized, and the possibilities inherent in it can be used to the maximum in our home.

A heat pump system can be a long-term solution for you, there are many advantages when such a device serves your needs for cooling-heating or hot water production.

Advantages of heat pump equipment for a new property:

there is no need to build a chimney

there is no need to introduce gas into the property

clean operation, environmentally friendly

renewable energy, so we protect our environment

minimal maintenance

no authorization procedures are required

operation involves minimal noise

extremely good efficiency

cooling, heating, domestic hot water production with one device

a discounted tariff can be requested from the electricity provider

can be combined with a solar panel system

Of course, these devices can be installed not only in new buildings, but also replace your existing, outdated gas device. In this case, we have to connect the new equipment to your existing heating system, which should be done by a professional to avoid disappointment later.

THE PSC Solar Your mechanical designer can properly size your heat pump system, so you can be sure that you will end up with a well-functioning heating system.

Energy modernization

Energy modernization is a long-term investment that must be implemented with careful planning.

It is essential that our buildings need regular maintenance and every few decades renovations are justified. Energy modernization can be a vital part of it. 

But why is this worth dealing with? 

We can list many arguments in favor of energy modernization, but the overall essence of the energy modernization is that the environmentally friendly and sustainable operation of the building should be achieved by using renewable energy sources as much as possible. The goal should be the most cost-effective operation with the best price-value ratio.

Such an investment allows us to reduce energy costs significantly, and last but not least, you can make your home more comfortable, modern and beautiful. The real estate market value of your home will be remarkably higher after the modernization. The market value of a modern property with lower or even zero energy requirements and costs is higher than a property with the same features without modernization.

Homes of old construction, without a facade or subfloor and slab insulation, have a very high energy demand, which can add up to significant amounts on the monthly energy bill. With a well-thought-out energy upgrade, these monthly amounts can be reduced by half, but with proper planning, they can even be reduced to almost zero forints. Many people wonder what it would be like to live in a house without utilities. Well, based on our references and the feedback from the owners, we can confirm that yes, it is a good feeling to live in such a property...

Drafty windows, cold walls, rooms that are difficult to heat or cool down quickly cause problems in many places. In many cases, summer overheating or noise filtering in from the outside are also problems. In the worst case, the residents have to deal with the problem of mold, which already has a harmful effect on health. 

Replacing outdated heating equipment can also be an important step in terms of life protection, since there is no need to worry about carbon monoxide poisoning with modern, safe and at the same time very minimal energy-consuming heat pump cooling and heating devices. These devices are powered by the air and thermal energy found in our environment in 75-80%, and the remaining 20-25% of their electricity needs PSC Solar can be supplied from the energy produced by the solar system sold and installed by PSC Solar's team.

It is important to point out that with these investments we not only achieve a cost-saving solution to the energy needs of our homes, but if we think a little further, we also ensure a better future for our children by using less energy, thereby reducing the carbon dioxide emissions responsible for climate change. So it is not only us, but our environment too that benefits from the investment, as we indirectly improve the air quality of our environment.

What energy modernization tasks can a PSC Solar?

Replacement of heat generating equipment (modern boiler replacement)

Design and installation of heat pump equipment with air-water and air-air systems

Design and implementation of solar systems

Thermal insulation of boundary structures (façade, slab, base) 

Construction and replacement of windows and doors

What should be done if someone wants to start this process?

Well, the first step is to get familiar with the client's needs and consult with our certified energetics expert, who prepares a complete energy audit on the property intended for modernization in order to ensure that the most appropriate devices and systems are installed, tailored to the building.

After the completion of the energy audit, we discuss together with our clients what energy modernization works we plan to implement, and then we prepare a quotation broken down into the work processes for their costs.

From the financial side, we examine what other state-subsidized sources we can provide for the works, or we also put together a bank-financed scheme according to the client's needs. If an application is available within the framework of which such an investment can be implemented, the application documentation and the entire application process will be handled by the PSC Solar team.

Request an offer for energy modernization from our experts.

SOLAR PLUS PROGRAM with state subsidy of 66%

We will write the application for free!

  • In the framework of the Napenergia Plusz Program, you can apply for a solar panel system and energy storage equipment with a non-refundable state grant of 66%.
  • The amount of support is a maximum of 66% of the costs of the investment, but no more than HUF 5 million, i.e. the investment can be a maximum of HUF 7.5 million.
  • The total amount is HUF 75.8 billion.
  • A maximum of 15,160 projects can win, i.e. there can be this many winning households in total.
  • The order of the application is important for the assessment.
  • Application pre-registration can be submitted from January 15, 2024.
  • Only new investment can be supported, expansion and/or replacement of an existing system is not.
  • The installation of household-sized small power plants (HMKE) with inverters with a minimum output of 4 kW and a maximum output of 5 kW can be supported.
  • Storage capacity: maximum 7.5 kWh, maximum 10 kWh.
  • The support can cover a maximum of 66% of the eligible costs, up to HUF 5,000,000.
  • The power of the solar panels can be a maximum of 120% of the power of the inverter.
  • Property owners or beneficial individuals with Hungarian citizenship who have a tax identification number (so companies and foreign citizens cannot apply and cannot be among the owners of the property).
  • Who has no tax or public debt. (You may not have overdue taxes or public debts that are recoverable in the form of taxes that are more than 60 days old, unless the tax authorities have allowed deferred payment or payment in installments.)
  • Those who do not have an ongoing solar panel investment.

You are not entitled to submit a grant application if you:

  • has an overdue tax or a public debt that can be collected in the form of taxes that is overdue, except if the tax authority has granted deferred payment or installment payments, or who has a debt under the title of traditional own resources of the European Union;
  • whose residential real estate enterprise (individual enterprise, sole proprietorship, public partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability company, etc.) has its headquarters, location, or branch office;
  • among the owners of the residential property intended for investment is someone who also has a business (individual business, sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability company, etc.).
  • The first step is pre-registration on the application interface, which you or your authorized representative can do through our Customer Portal. The evaluation takes place in the order of pre-registration, but this does not mean that the application is submitted.
    For pre-registration, you need to submit several documents:
    Ownership sheet or sheets, documents related to usufructuary rights, if the property is encumbered with such, lease agreement and declaration of consent of the lessor, if it is a leased property, power of attorney, if the application was submitted by an authorized representative, personal documents, the most recent electricity bill before submitting the pre-registration application , other relevant documents that are necessary for the assessment of the pre-registration application.
  • After successful pre-registration, you can submit the application for tender support, but for this you need proof of the submission of the application for connection to the electricity provider and the business contract.

You should act as soon as possible, because the evaluation takes place in the order in which the application is submitted, which requires an accepted pre-registration, and for this you need to obtain a number of documents, as well as proof of the submission of the electricity supplier's connection permit.

There are several options for when and how much you have to pay. What all options have in common is the payment schedule.

Payment is made in three stages:

  • Advance payment: Based on a contractor contract, either you pay or the Sponsor (i.e. the state) pays. The extent of this depends on who pays.
  • Interim payment: When the report is ready, the contractor issues a partial invoice for 80% of the gross commitment price set in the business contract, and this must be settled, which is paid jointly by the Beneficiary and the Supporter.
  • Final payment: After confirmation of acceptance and commissioning by the distribution network operator (DSO – i.e. the electricity provider), the contractor issues the final invoice for 20% of the gross commitment price fixed in the business contract, the payment of which is also divided between the Applicant and the Supporter. The sponsored portion of the preparation and tender amounts (66%) is paid by the Sponsor to the Applicant.

Act now, as the evaluation takes place in the order in which the application is submitted! Accepted pre-registration and a number of other documents are also required for the application, as well as proof of the electricity supplier's connection permit.

Due to the short deadline for submitting the application and the need for multifaceted documentation, choose our professional support, as part of which we will guide you through the entire application process free of charge!



GINOP Plus program Loan program for SMEs with 0% interest

We will write the application for free!

The free use and investment purpose - currently still available with an interest rate of 5% - In addition to Széchenyi loans soon a 0% loan that can be applied for investments will be available – refundable subsidy.

"Within the first frame of the GINOP Plusz program, the government will provide a total of HUF 450 billion for the development of enterprises in the next period. Out of this, HUF 130 billion of funds can become available starting from the second quarter."

The purpose of the program is to provide micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with resources to maintain and increase their competitiveness, and for short- and medium-term income-generating developments and investments.

The funds are provided by the Hungarian Development Bank, applications and requests can be submitted at "MFB Points" - through the branch network of MBH Bank and Gránitbank.

The exact conditions of the construction are not yet known.

  • financing of investments
  • acquisition of new tangible assets, machines, IT devices
  • for the purchase of technologies that utilize renewable energy sources and support green energy
  • acquisition of intangible assets related to the investment
  • micro, small and medium enterprises can apply
  • With the exception of Budapest, it will be available throughout the country
  • there can be no live execution or expired public debt - not only in the case of the company applying for the loan, but also for affiliated companies
  • Neither the company applying for the loan nor their owners or managers may have overdue loans
  • it is expected that businesses that are profitable and whose operating results have been positive in the last one or two years can apply
  • loan amount HUF 10-100 million
  • term: the same as the amortization period of the purchased assets (typically 5-7 years) - but a maximum of 15 years
  • self-power: max. 15%
  • Interest 0%

The HUF 130 billion budget - calculated with an average subsidy of HUF 40-50 million - approx. It ensures the approval of 3000 applications. Applications are processed in the order of submission according to previous practice, and applications can only be accepted with complete documentation.

Although the detailed conditions of the program are not yet known, if the company has specific investment intentions, it is worth preparing the applications so that the documentation is 100% by the time of submission.


Financing offers

Our customers can even cover the entire cost of the given construction project with the help of bank financing, which is handled by our colleagues specializing in financial consulting with MNB exams.
When a loan scheme, which is available on the banking market, is carefully selected, the amount of the monthly rates can sometimes be less than the total of the previous utility bills of the completed project.

Request a free consultation for the financial advice of your dream project so that we can zero out your utility bill for you too!

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